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How to Improve Productivity and Loyalty of Employees in an Online Setting


Updated: Oct 6, 2021

Productivity and loyalty are the by-products that organizations can achieve by working on several aspects like formulating a better employee experience, equipping and developing employees, defining and sharing short and long-term goals. It is not something that can be simplified to a level that it becomes a generic equation that leaders can solve by just being scientific and accurate. There is so much more to it than defining the SMART KRAs, timelines, and engagement initiatives.

Consider the current or future of work; the COVID-19 scenario has changed the mode and place of work forever. Nobody will ultimately go back to the position they were in before this pandemic hit us. Online solutions acted as the shield and helped organizations fight against the Covid-19 battle and sail through the difficult times in whatever capacity they could. The norms changed overnight, and we all embraced the change looking at the need of the time. Now that the world is essentially online in all possible ways, we need to accept and focus on three aspects: virtual is a new reality; Second, online solutions are the enablers; and third, online solutions should not replace human connection and interventions.

Setting clear strategies, sharing the right perspectives, and communicating well will bring more engagement, encourage team bonding, and set the correct expectations; It’s fundamental, and this rule of the game will never change. Organizations can substantially boost productivity with loyalty kept intact if employees are enabled well with the help of technology by creating the right mix of tech-human solutions. Here is what I mean by ENABLE:

Engage: Be a part of the game; don’t assign and disappear. If managers manage to build the required connection, team members will find it effortless to correlate, collaborate and deliver. Managers should use online tools to connect and communicate with members at ease. Engaging at all levels is way different from micromanaging; let’s not miss on that ever!

Needs: Respect your employee’s needs. Today, everybody is struggling, and it’s next to impossible to attain the balance. Managers should use proper project management and output solutions to give employees the lacked flexibility and project-related timely support.

Ask: Don’t assume that you have done your bit; ask! Ask what is needed, ask how things are, ask if everything is manageable, and ask if they need some help or guidance. Smart solutions help in prioritizing and highlighting key concern areas. Build a system around it to identify and talk about those crucial issues like time management before it’s too late.

Back-up: Expecting 100% output all the time is unreal. Not every day is the same for everyone. There will be days when your best performer may seek assistance for the most basic part of the profile. It always gives great comfort to know that somebody else can pitch in and help if I am down today. Use an accessible system where members can identify and train their backup resources.

Listen: Not just the spoken word and issues; listen through the behavior, responses, and data collected. Prepare well before you fall into a repair trap, as that would cost much more than expected. There are enough direct and indirect signals that employees pass on to give the real sense of the current scenario, identify and use them well.

Empathize: Times are complex, and I am not just referring to the pandemic. In general, people have more than what they can handle, sometimes by choice. We may not make everything normal but what leaders should primarily focus on is understanding where the other person is standing, what the limitations are, and what’s doable; then define the course of action. Machines can do not all; somewhere, it will be just you. Empathize well!

Working on employee engagement, experience, and culture to increase employee commitment and productivity is an ongoing activity and will require an insane amount of groundwork. Looking at the uncertainties and the pace at which elements are changing and getting redefined, it’s more than essential to be equipped adequately with the help of tech solutions; to keep up with speed, sustain and stay the game. Imagine managing real-time data, working from anywhere, hybrid model, personalizing employee experience, being far yet being together, or just ensuring the business continues even when the offices close down without technology. Just unattainable!

We shouldn’t shy away from accepting that ONLINE solutions took care of our LINES OF BUSINESS when needed. And we should empower our organization, leaders, and employees to create the magic called personalized Tech-human experience.

Tech is the future of work and everything else.


Author – Dr. Ankit Singh, Senior Vice President & Global Head: HR | Admin | Travel | IT, CIGNEX Datamatics

Senior Vice President and Global Head of HR at CIGNEX Datamatics.She has over 22 years of progressive experience in managing and leading various aspects of Human Resources spanning across high paced business domains of ITES. In addition to all functions of HR, Ankita overseas other enabling functions like Administration, Travel and Resource Management. Ankita holds a PhD in Management and is a Gold Medalist in BBA as well as MBA.

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