#1 What is the importance of Learning & Development?
Before the COVID, most of the companies had policies for, what would happen if there is an earthquake, floods, country epidemic but no one was prepared for a world pandemic.
No one predicted the world would shut down.
And as this world, we learned and we adapted. The ones who were resilient have survived the tough times. And many organizations took various steps for Business continuity.
During these unprecedented times what made us survive and develop the coping mechanism as countries or community or organizations is NEED and Motivation to Survive and Thrive!
An organization has two things, people and systems
While dealing with human beings, means we are dealing with thoughts, emotions, and values. And yes, the mental models.
Today, due to COVID there is awareness of health and well-being, earlier was not a priority.
The point that I’m making is, as humans we are learning consciously and unconsciously.
Learning is an ongoing journey.
How many organizations capitalize on this the ones who do, have reaped the benefits.
The systematic organization of mental models creates learning wherein there is a personal development and together we move towards the common vision.
This type of learning system will add value to any organization.
Else learning a development vertical in any organization would remain like a tick mark or training man-days task completion activity
It is said, the CEO is the mind and HR is the Heart of the organization.
What value does HR create?
Talent Development
Leadership development
Culture (Create conversations – a common language – culture is created)
Awareness of IQ (skills and technical training) EQ (Emotional quotient and today mental and emotional well being is talk of the town) SQ (Social quotient is an important part of our survival, we are social being by nature) CQ (Culture quotient is the whether it is the culture of our family or the organization).
Positive reinforcements are ways to create a culture.
Eg: Self Reflection. Leadership program in the previous org and also here in FEV.
Self Reflections through a feedback mechanism, group discussion, self-reflection notes, observations an environment where you feel safe to be, who you are.
These programs are for leaders and supervisors.
Unconscious habits have to be made aware of, also expectation setting for non-negotiable behaviors.
When I joined FEV, Learning & Development was in the most initial stage. Today with this function, it has been one of the contributing factors to decrease the Attrition from 22.5 % (2018) to 14 % (2019)
#Union development
MRA Moral Re-Armament trains union members on personal development and contribution towards organization and community
#Various initiatives like
Leadership Development
Individual Development Plan
High Potential program
Edunext Policy
Assessment Center for leadership competence Development center (previous organization)
Succession planning
Coaching, mentoring
Reverse mentoring (few organizations have started this)
Team development
By doing this we retain key people
Technology has helped us during these times.
The technology – Skype, Zoom, Teams, today, no classroom training, there is virtual training.
Whether you’re a CEO or GET you have to learn technology, upgrade your skills and HR can be a great facilitator.
#2 How can Learning & Development initiatives give an edge to the organization?
What do we believe in, is what we become.
What do I mean by this, let me give you two examples?
#GET/PGET development – Inside Out approach
If we believe in, as organizations, we can groom young talent and they can become the senior partners in the company, it shall happen.
So if we believe that we grow the young talent, groom them, show them the career path, save cost.
FEV has students from IITs and from Aachen, University in Germany they were groomed and few are in MD and in prominent Global roles.
#Sales training / Dealers / Suppliers training – Outside IN approach
Getting business requirements and make programs from a business perspective
Eg: meet suppliers – what training programs do they need
Eg: Dealers what training programs would help them.
Also, do the Supplier satisfaction survey
After 6 months measure – quality, cost, satisfaction
As HR if we touch base with our customers, the training programs to be defined as per
Customer Centricity.
#Leaders talk – share stories
External speakers from different walks of life, besides leaders in other organizations, also people who have faced challenges and have their stories to share.
Today there’s a paradigm shift – three training man-days earlier, – today training is in Reality.
#Experiential learning coaching and mentoring.
# Real-life training
Author / Educator – Anu Sethi, Head – Human Resource, FEV India Pvt. Ltd.

I am business oriented human resource leader focus on Talent, Leadership and Culture development.
Thought leader in the space of Transformation and HR Design.
My areas of interests are change management, talent management, HR innovation and employee engagement